
Salud (4): Mientras tanto, en Inglaterra..

En el informe se estudia la estructura de "cargos" o tarifas que cobra el Servicio Nacional de Salud (NHS) a los ciudadanos y se concluye que:

In the future, the NHS may not be able to pay for every possible medical treatment in a country with an ageing population, demographic pressures, rising public expectations and increased possibilities of medical treatment and long-term therapies. Some treatments or procedures may have to be charged for. The Government should consider this possibility sooner rather than later to ensure that a set of consistent criteria apply to those areas for which a fee is charged, to avoid the development of charges in an ad hoc way, as has been the case until now.

En otras palabras: hay que pasar a encontrar maneras equitativas de introducir un esquema racional de precios.

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